Start up KM3NeT on your own computer
As a first step, make sure that you are strapped into the KM3NeT working environment and that you have all your working tools ready. How? Follow this introduction course!
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Get to know the collaboration
Who is actually working in KM3NeT? And whom of these people do you need to contact when you have a question? Get to know the faces of the KM3NeT collaboration in these courses.
How does the detector work?
KM3NeT is the collaboration building the ARCA and ORCA detectors. So how do they work? How are they built? And what are the challenges in working with KM3NeT data? Dig deeper into the detector design in the following courses.
Working with data
One of the major tasks in the development stage of KM3NeT is development of software to access and process KM3NeT data. Get here an overview over the basic access to KM3NeT data and the related software.
Where do we go?
We will do physics analyses in KM3NeT. Get an overview over the different analysis goals, the simulations necessary to interpret KM3NeT data and the fundamentals of data analysis which provides the base for all solid physics studies.
Get into the software
Some basic skills to learn how to handle our software, and how to write simple data analysis programs with KM3Pipe:
Do your analysis
Ready to get started with high-energy physics studies? Get an overview over the necessary steps in this introduction: