KM3NeT is a research infrastructure housing the next generation neutrino telescopes. Located in the deepest seas of the Mediterranean, KM3NeT will open a new window on our Universe and contribute to neutrino research on a fundamental basis.
Get to know our research
The KM3NeT education platform aims to provide basic information and skills to understand the principles of the research infrastructure to the public and educate fellow scientists about the use of KM3NeT research results. Everyone can take free courses that introduce the core concepts of large-scale neutrino measurement and provide an introduction to the use of our public data.
Diving in deep
For KM3NeT collaboration members, the education platforms provides an access portal to dig deep into the workings of KM3NeT data taking and analysis. As member, you can provide your own courses and make use of the full range of teaching and documentation material linked on this page. Log in with your KM3NeT account here.